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Earth Sciences

AESIS - Australia's National Geosciences, Minerals and Petroleum Reference Database

AESIS covers published and unpublished documented materials across the geosciences, minerals and petroleum and related areas and is produced by Australian Geoscience Information Australia (AGIA). It covers Archive to June 2001.

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American Meteorological Society

The American Meteorological Society promotes the development and dissemination of information and education on the atmospheric and related oceanic and hydrologic sciences and the advancement of their professional applications.

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American Museum of Natural History Research Library : Digital Repository

American Museum of Natural History Research Library: Digital Repository is a digital archive maintained by the Research Library for AMNH Scientific Publications and materials digitized by the Library.

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Cambridge Core Books

Cambridge University Press publishes a wide range of research monographs, academic reference, textbooks, books for professionals, and large numbers of books aimed at graduate students. There are thousands of ebooks available across a wide range of disciplines including law, politics, history, language and literature, mathematics and astronomy with hundreds of new titles added each year.

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Current Contents Connect

This database provides complete tables of contents and bibliographic information from the world's leading scholarly journals and books; also includes relevant, evaluated web sites and documents. Current Contents Connect is comprised of subject editions and collections: Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sciences (ABES); Social & Behavioral Sciences (SBS); Clinical Medicine (CM); Life Sciences (LS); Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences (PCES); Engineering, Computing & Technology (ECT); Arts & Humanities (AH); Business Collection (BC); Electronics & Telecommunications Collection (EC)

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Federation and Meteorology

Draws on the Bureau of Meteorology's historical resources. Based on the observation that the emergence of Australian meteorology as a science parallelled with the Federation story. It influenced and contributed to the ambition of nationhood.

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GeoRef provides access to the geoscience literature of the world and is the most comprehensive database available in the geosciences. The database contains over 3 million references to geoscience journal articles, books, maps, conference papers, reports and theses.

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GeoScienceWorld (GSW) is a nonprofit collaborative pursuing a vision to make earth science research information easily and economically available via the Internet. The GSW eJournals platform provides access to a number of peer-reviewed journals.

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Lyell Collection

The Lyell Collection represents one of the largest integrated collections of online Earth science literature; Geological Society's journal titles, Special Publications and key book series.

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OnePetro is a unique library of technical documents and journal articles serving the oil and gas exploration and production industry. It contains journals and conference proceedings sourced from 18 publishing partners.

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Schweizerbart Science Publishers

Schweizerbart publishes many scholarly journals, periodical, series, books and monographs in the Earth and Environmental Sciences, aquatic ecology, botany, anthropology and zoology.

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